For a gourmet meal this is very easy to prepare. Leftovers reheat well the next day too! Instead of using fresh shrimp like the recipe originally called...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
I've been making this recipe for years, and it is one of my family's most requested meals. Serve with brown and wild rice or rice pilaf along with Italian-cut...
I've been making this recipe for years, and it is one of my family's most requested meals. Serve with brown and wild rice or rice pilaf along with Italian-cut...
An easy, do-ahead, spectacular, and delicious way to serve filet. Easily expanded to serve however many you need. A nice twist on the standard - without...
This is the recipe my grandmother used to make. It only uses pork for the pie and is delicious. I make one for my father every Christmas Eve and he loves...
Delicious French-inspired chicken dish that features herbes de Provence and an apricot sauce. My ingredient amounts are estimated, particularly with the...
This is a fantastically easy and delicious chicken dish, basically made with onions, white wine, heavy cream and Dijon mustard. Your family will feel like...
My mother used to cook this for us all, usually to go with Sunday dinner. I was hooked. Haven't had it in ages and I was wanting to bake something special...
A simple, fast and delicious French recipe for chicken tenders in a rich cream sauce. You'll want to serve it with crusty French bread to sop up every...
French Vanilla Slices are called 'Mille-feuilles' and are made with puff pastry sandwiched together with jam, cream, or confectioners' custard. They can...
A simple recipe for mussels typical mussel recipe from the Breton coast in France. Creme fraiche is available in many supermarkets, but if you cannot find...
I'm gonna show you how to make the world's most famous tuna sandwich, which is really the world's most famous tuna salad, the Niçoise, stuffed and pressed...
My wife and I had this entree in Paris, France. It was so good that we had to order another one. The French people sure know how to cook. It is like a...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
Sabayon is a creamy yet dairy-free dessert. Use an oversized bowl to allow room for the balloon whisk. Whisk in large, gentle strokes rather than furiously;...
Delicious variation on coq au vin, made with an entire bottle of Riesling, a dry white wine. A friend of mine introduced me to this delicious and easy...
Delicious variation on coq au vin, made with an entire bottle of Riesling, a dry white wine. A friend of mine introduced me to this delicious and easy...
Calvados is an apple brandy that is made only in the Normandy region of France. This simple but elegant dish can be made with Apple Jack or any apple brandy...
Calvados is an apple brandy that is made only in the Normandy region of France. This simple but elegant dish can be made with Apple Jack or any apple brandy...
Delicious variation on coq au vin, made with an entire bottle of Riesling, a dry white wine. A friend of mine introduced me to this delicious and easy...
This is a popular French cake that celebrates the holiday of Epiphany (January 6th) the day when the Three Kings visited the Baby Jesus. As part of French...
This is really yummy - not overpoweringly mustardy! And, after all, any recipe that begins with white wine has to be good! It's not oily or buttery or...